why did saul goodman go into hiding

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why did saul goodman go into hiding

Wasn't there a lawyer-client confidentiality between all of his interactions with Heisenberg & co. protecting him? He turns around and steps inside, deciding to become a lawyer like Chuck and Kim. Eventually the prisoners use the "Better Call Saul" slogan as the basis of a chant. Jimmy was quickly brought in by the police on charges of property damage, assault, and and a possible sex offense. Food for thought, yeah? But listen, listen. ("Mabel"), After passing out, Gene is taken to the hospital where he undergoes tests to determine the cause of his collapse and if it was a heart attack. You're not.Marie. Suzanne approaches Kim to say she has identified de Guzman as Lalo Salamanca, and that Lalo is dead. Saul is somewhat of a coward as well as he was intimidated numerous times by his primary client, Walt, and likely feared death if he did not follow Walt's orders. Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) was nearly killed off at the end of Breaking Bad, but series creator Vince Gilligan decided to scrap the plan.The scheming lawyer was first introduced in Breaking Bad season 2 before transforming into a fan favorite through the rest of the series. Taking what he feels is the initiative, Jimmy compiles a video crew comprised of UNM students to film and air his own commercial advertising the Sandpiper suit. Stressed by the encounter, Jimmy inadvertently escalates the matter by getting into a confrontation with Mike over a parking validation dispute, but in the process figures out Craig and Betsy Kettleman staged their own abduction to evade further scrutiny. Feeling smug, Saul attempts to dangle one last piece of information in a bid to get his sentence reduced even further: the murder of Howard Hamlin. The Constitution says you do, and so do I. I believe that, until proven guilty, every man, woman, and child in this country is innocent. () You have no idea what's going on! But what did he actually do that they could trace back to him that he wouldnt have a legitimate defense for? Oh. And I grabbed it, and I held it tight and for the next sixteen months, my every waking moment was spent building Walter White's drug empire.Saul begins to reveal the truth about his actions before being stopped. Less than a ghost. Absolutely kidding me! Saul eventually acquires Calderas black book, giving him access to a vast criminal network and introducing him to later associates such as Patrick Kuby. It was always you, right? It was too dangerous to stick around, for fear of incarceration or death. You have gotta let me do this on my own.Jimmy to Kim about the cassette tape incident. As a result of Jimmy's confession, the plea agreement is quashed and he is eventually sentenced to eighty-six years in prison for all of his crimes, effectively giving Jimmy a de facto life sentence. He quickly enlists Jeff to drive him to Lingk's house so that he can commit the break-in himself, dismissing Jeff's own misgivings. Gene is relieved to find out that no one was looking for him and spends the next few days hiding in his house listening to the police scanner and keeping watch while drinking. The lawyer was an often comedic element in the "Breaking Bad" universe of . Cliff declines, as do several other lawyers, but Jimmy and Kim succeed in spreading the rumor that Howard uses drugs. At the funeral, Jimmy is given condolences by Chuck's partners and co-workers. Kim abandons her plan to meet in Santa Fe with Cliff Main and representatives of a foundation interested in funding her pro bono criminal defense work and returns to Albuquerque to help Jimmy hastily re-shoot the photos. Saul remains unaware of Gus' true identity, only knowing him as a major drug kingpin and distributor who is extremely competent and careful, only meeting Gus once previously though being unaware that he was a drug kingpin. He's very low profile. What specifically was it about Walt that put him into hiding? Huh? ("Waterworks"). A couple hours later, the custodian (who is also taking out garbage) finally opens the door and Gene walks out right past him. Does Better Call Saul contain Breaking Bad spoilers? So please get back in your truck, go back to the house, and finish the job!Gene's rant to Buddy over not going through with scamming a mark due to their illness, showing Gene's transformation from a scared Cinnabon manager to a dirty, unapologetic criminal. And whatSo you can just wimp out?! But also the thing with DA Suzanne who was talking to Kim saying if daul didnt know that he was involved with the cartel he had some plausible deniability but if he did know then his client lawyer privilege would not hold and it wouldnt be good. When Chuck breaks down and begins crying over his "failure" with Mesa Verde, Jimmy has a crisis of conscience, and he confesses his complicity in the incident. Mike is satisfied and tells Jimmy that he must prepare his story for what took him so long. I think there's a possibility in another scene, this time set in the present, he may turn on the TV and see the Heisenberg Atomic Death thing all over which may make him realize.. Hey, maybe he can go back. Kim, still angered by Howard's comments, proposes a forced resolution of the Sandpiper case by sabotaging Howard, which would enable Jimmy to receive his seven-figure share of the settlement. Jimmy also reveals that he has no intention to practice law under his own name, and requests legal accreditation for a new identity to the clerk who asks him to sign some paperwork. "Why?" They'll figure out Jesse was part of the ring at some point, either by Skyler confessing about him or DNA found at Jack's compound. While in an elevator, she unexpectedly encounters Howard and his associates from HHM. In addition, Gene's threatening actions towards Marion show just how much he has changed since his time as Jimmy McGill who, despite being a crook, cared deeply about the elderly and even destroyed his own reputation with his clients to make what he did to Irene Landry right. Disposing of all the evidence he can find at Saul Goodman & Associates, he also retrieves a satchel full of cash from the ceiling while Francesca shreds documents. Also, why did Saul Goodman go into hiding? The world needs to know about you and your business! With Kim gone, Lalo binds Jimmy's hands and ties him to a chair, telling him of the assassination attempt at his compound which left his staff dead. You killed my brother, and you say you're sorry? At the same time, after Lalo gets arrested for the murder of Fred Whalen, Jimmy is called in to represent him. In his absence, Jimmy struggles to escape his restraints and falls over on the floor next to Howard's body. During his suspension from practicing law, Jimmy worked as a cell phone salesman at CC Mobile, where he began to use the nickname "Saul Goodman" again. Also the fact that the things discussed were covered by privilege doesn't mean that the underlying criminal acts that Saul helped achieve would be protected by privilege. Jimmy successfully gets Daniel off, but is forced to fabricate evidence of a pie fetish video to do so. Mike says this is enough. Despite this, when he first introduced Jimmy is nowhere near the person he will eventually become and is a kind and caring person who desperately wants to be successful and put his lawyer skills to good measure. With the aid of Jeff and Buddy, Gene starts a new routine: he accosts well-off bar patrons, sends them home in Jeff's cab, and has Buddy enter their homes to steal their financial information. Looks like a mirror image there. One year later, he's got a pile of cash as big as a Volkswagen. He warns them that it's just a matter of time before Mike realizes that the address is fake, but he is dismissed by Walt. I'd just be nothing. Kim tearfully tells Jimmy that she just cant be with him anymore due to the amount of turmoil that has happened. Immediately chafing under Erin's constant prodding and corrections, Jimmy dodges her as soon as he can so that he can present Kim his latest offer: a letter of legal action against HHM for mistreatment. Kim tries to leave but Howard beckons her into an empty courtroom for privacy. Jimmy McGill the lawyer is always gonna be Chuck McGills loser brother. What exactly is provable that he did wrong? When Jimmy loses potential clients Craig and Betsy Kettleman - who have been accused of embezzling money from the county treasury - to HHM and fends off an attempted injury scam from Cal and Lars Lindholm, Jimmy decides to return to his shady techniques to level the playing field . During the meeting, Howard agrees to take the case and pay Jimmy 20% of the common fund share of the final settlement, plus twenty thousand dollars as a "consulting fee" for the work he has already spent building the case against Sandpiper, which Jimmy happily agrees too. They love you! It's who you are. ("Salud"). Had the Nazis killed Jesse, that would have wrapped up things nicely as the re would have been a paucity of evidence from which a case could be made. I can't believe there's like over a billion people on this planet, and the only person I have to talk about this to is you.Jimmy, You go to hell, you lying sack of shit.Kevin, They moved a cone? He was himself. Jimmy watches with pride as the clerk lives up to his word and adamantly denies having seen Jimmy, even in the face of Ernesto's statements. () You pulled that heartstrings con job on me?! After Lalo is killed by Gus during a gunfight, Jimmy watches Mike's henchman, Arthur, emptying the refrigerator. After that you're on your own. Howard defeats him and says he hopes this ends Jimmy's harassment, but afterwards Howard directs his private investigator to begin surveilling Jimmy. Jimmy and his film crew fabricate photos that include an actor made up to resemble the mediator. Due to the computer repeatedly kicking the driver's license back, she requests Gene's social security number and Gene grows more and more fearful of being discovered as time goes on. You are talking about regrets, so if you want to ask about regrets, just ask about regrets, and leave all this time-traveling nonsense out of it! I'll never be as moral as him, I'll never be as smart, I'll never be as respected. After Howard collects Chuck, Kim continues her rounds, and Jimmy walks past HHM's law library. Jimmy continues telling variations of the same story before Lalo reveals that he found Jimmy's wrecked and shot-up car. ("Alpine Shepherd Boy"). At this point everyone that you listed, apart from Hank, is alive and is a potential threat to Saul. After seeing Kim, who urges him to take the deal, Jimmy confronts Chuck after realizing that his cell phone's battery had been drained when his brother used it to call Howard. He stuffs Jesse's meth money in a duffel bag for him. He takes the records to a nearby copy shop, where he creates doctored copies with the street number transposed into 1216. Hey, I just talked you down from a death sentence to six months probation. Kitty-cat notebooks for everybody!Jimmy ranting at the bingo game. Afterward, Saul tells Mike that the TRO won't hold up long, and Hank will be back on his tail with a vengeance within twenty-four hours. Good product. I saw him five days ago. You're gonna do whatever it takes, do you hear me? I'm so far beyond you! What exactly is provable that he did wrong? Further hints of trouble await Jimmy at his office upon his return: Captain Bauer from the airbase has learned of Jimmy's ad and is furious. ("Nailed"), Later on, Jimmy begins his first consultations at the new Wexler McGill office, now finished and ready for business. Call me crazy, but I don't think they deserve to have their bright futures ruined by a momentary, minute, never-to-be-repeated lapse of judgment. Saul Goodman's law firm caters to felons who want to reduce their sentences to the bare minimum, essentially giving them some form of "free pass" when it comes to crime. ("Sunset"), Saul visits Jesse at the hospital after the latter is brutally attacked by Hank in retaliation of their ruse to lure Hank away from the junkyard. Although hesitant to leave Cicero, Jimmy agreed and was subsequently released due to Chuck's intervention. Plot. Theoretically at least, everyone who'd want Saul dead is either dead or long gone. Jimmy sits back at the defendant's table and looks for acknowledgement from Kim while Oakley and Castellano's team argue about the plea agreement. In the penultimate episode, Kim had an affidavit made where she revealed how Howard was murdered by Lalo and the crime was covered up, and she and Saul knew about this and kept quiet out of fear for their lives. Is he afraid of the law? Very important to keep that in mind. When Jesse arrives, he is aggressively patted down by Saul's bodyguard, Huell, until Saul interrupts. Due to Saul's popularity, Odenkirk's character became the focus of Breaking Bad's spinoff, Better Call Saul. Better watch out for autograph hounds and paparazzi! Admitting that he bugged Walts house and making an off-color comment about Skyler, Saul is attacked and subsequently fired by Walt. Returning to his residence, he retrieves his shoebox and overhears information about his car being broadcast on the police radio frequency. Jimmy then immediately applied for but was denied a position as an Associate attorney at the firm by Chuck and his partner Howard Hamlin. Jimmy informs Kim who is less than pleased by the danger Jimmy will put himself in, but reluctantly agrees. Look at you, you're a triple threat: great services, great products, and most of all, that face! Later, when Jesse notices that it's gone, he assumes that Huell must have lifted it from him and that Huell also took the ricin cigarette. Kim returns to the office to find Jimmy lying on the floor, with his half of the rent, indicating he used the "slip and fall" to coerce the guitar shop into paying him off. Buddy quietly leaves the house with the dog, almost forgetting to remove the duct tape from the lock. He receives a call from Skyler asking where Walt is. Me. This here, this makes it official, right? A shot at big money. No, he's not gay. Also, the DEA and feds should be OK-ish now, given that they've (probably) let Skylar go with the information she was able to give with the location of Hank and Gomez' bodies. Is alive and is a potential threat to Saul Gus during a gunfight, Jimmy agreed was! Jimmy successfully gets Daniel off, but is forced to fabricate evidence of a pie fetish video do. Cant be with him anymore due to the amount of turmoil that has happened resemble the mediator her! Story for what took him so long Howard and his partner Howard Hamlin and his partner Howard Hamlin your. Danger Jimmy will put himself in, but reluctantly agrees later, he 's got a of... Of property damage, assault, and that Lalo is killed by Gus during a,! 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